Annual Golf Cart Registration
Scroll to the bottom of the page for the 10-Day Temporary Permit Application information, insurance upload and online payment option.
All golf carts, ATVs and UTVs must be registered by May 1st each year. Please complete the form below, upload your insurance certificate and make your payment online by clicking the payment button. We also have the option to print off the registration form and return it with a copy of your insurance certificate and payment to the City Office.
- Must register with the City Office (complete a registration form, provide proof of liability insurance, pay a fee of $25, display the registration sticker on the driver’s side front of the unit provided by the City)
- Operated on City Streets between sunrise and sunset
- Shall have a valid Class O operator’s license or farm permit
- Must be a minimum of 17 years old, or older.
- Cannot travel faster than 20 mph
- Must display an ORANGE safety flag that extends to five feet or higher from the ground
- Cannot be operated on State Highways within City except to cross a highway at a ninety degree angle.
- Must obey all traffic laws while being operated
- Can be operated on a State Highway during the actual course of a PARADE AUTHORIZED by the City
- Must have headlight and tail light. These lights are required to be on when crossing a State Highway
If operated with a steering wheel and driver / passenger sit on a bench type seat, rules are same as Golf Cart / UTV.
Rules are the same as Golf Carts except Operator and Passenger must wear a SAFETY HELMET.
10-Day Temporary Permit Application
The 10-Day Temporary Permit Application follows the same guidelines as listed above for the annual application. The fee for a 10-Day Temporary Permit is $10.00 and can be paid by printing and completing this registration form and returning it to the City Office with payment or by completing the online application below, uploading your insurance information and completing your payment by clicking the payment button above.
Upload Insurance Certificate