The City of Wilber has a contract with Waste Connections. All new and existing residents will have service through Waste Connections and will be billed on your monthly bill from the City of Wilber.
There are few holidays that Waste Connections does not collect and rarely does their schedule change. If you have questions regarding pick-up, click here. Should there be a change in schedule for any reason, it will be updated here.
You need to contact Waste Connections at 402-643-2054 for any of the following issues:
- Broken Tote or Garbage Can
- Exchanging Tote or Garbage Can for a different size
- Any issues with pick-up (your house was missed, garbage on the ground, etc)
If you are a new resident or moving to a new residence that does not have a tote, you will contact the City Office for the tote to initially be delivered.
General Garbage Service | Pick-Up Information
- Residential garbage service is $20.32 per month and is picked up on Mondays between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. The Garbage Company asks that you set your garbage out on the curb the night before or by 6:00 a.m. on Mondays. Your garbage must be placed in the tote supplied by the Garbage Company (PLEASE PLACE THE TOTE WITH THE LID OPENING TOWARD THE STREET).
- The Garbage Company also offers recycling pickup for no extra charge. For your initial tote, you will contact the City Office. For any additional totes or switching out, you will contact Waste Connections at the number above.
How to Properly Place Your Trash Cart

together, and carts are placed away from the mailbox.
We’ve created this simple guide to properly place your garbage cart at the curb
for pick up. Taking out the trash each week is simple. But, there are a few best
practices to ensure your waste and recycling is efficiently removed each
week. It’s our goal to accurately serve your home each week. A missed service
pick up during the day can be frustrating for homeowners. This guide to container
placement will ensure your containers are ready each service day.
Most garbage service includes a 96 gallon wheeled cart. Many households also
have a recycling cart or yard waste cart as part of their weekly service. These
wheeled carts make it easy to bring waste, recycling, and heavy yard waste to
the curb each week. These big carts hold larger volumes of material than the
smaller trash cans of the past. These large carts can be quite heavy and are built
to be lifted with a mechanical arm or “helper arms” attached to the garbage truck.
Proper cart placement on pick up day becomes essential when mechanical
helpers are used.
Cart Placement Guidelines
- Place your cart at the curb the night before your service day or by 6 am on your service day.
- Place cart within two feet of the curb.
- Avoid placing the cart near low hanging tree branches.
- Place the cart at least two feet away from permanent structures like mailboxes, walls, lamp posts, utility boxes, vehicles, etc.
- Place your cart two feet from other carts.
- Place your cart on a level surface prior to pick up.
- Make sure nothing is in between your cart and the street.
- A good place for your cart is in the driveway.
- When at the curb, cart wheels should be closest to the house.