Wilber’s City Council met on March 14th and were honored to have some special guests. Holly Murkle and Decker Truka were there to receive an official document, signed by the Mayor Chrans, proclaiming March 21, 2023 as World Down Syndrome Day in Wilber, NE
As stated in the proclamation, Down Syndrome is a genetic anomaly caused by an extra copy of the twenty-first chromosome. According to current data about 250,000 people in the United States have Down Syndrome. Studies show that about 1 in 800 babies are born with Down Syndrome each year. Down Syndrome does not typically run in families and is not caused by anything either parent did or did not do.
People with Down Syndrome deserve fundamental human and civil rights. Despite dramatic increases in lifespan and intellectual ability, there is still much work to be done regarding the rights to equality, inclusion, education, medical care, research and support for people with Down Syndrome here in Wilber, the State of Nebraska, the United States and abroad.
March 21 has come to represent 3 copies of chromosome 21 and has developed into a movement to celebrate and value people with Down Syndrome around the world and now is officially to be recognized in Wilber, NE. Mayor Chrans encourages the residents of Wilber and beyond to not only observe the day, but also use it as an opportunity to research and learn more about Down Syndrome and celebrate those that people with Down Syndrome.
Through public awareness, the City of Wilber recognizes the hard work and progress made by parents, self-advocates, medical professionals, researchers, and many non-profit organizations all over the world and hopes are that we as City employees, residents and visitors continue to learn and promote an inclusive community.