November 1st through April 1 is officially snow removal season per City of Wilber Ordinance 962, Section 5-613. The purpose of the ordinance is to ensure snow can safely be cleared from City streets and roadways. The ordinance reads as follows. To review other City parking ordinances, please visit the City Office.
A. During the snow removal season, which is hereby defined as the period of time between November 1 of each year and April 1 of the following year, both dates inclusive, all vehicles shall be parked on those portions of those streets of the City of Wilber, as are hereinbelow identified at all times when there is snowfall, in the manner following, to-wit: On even numbered calendar dates on the sides of said streets having even numbered house numbers, and on odd numbered calendar dates on the side of said streets having odd numbered house numbers. If snowfall occurs during the hours of darkness of the days within said snow removal season all, vehicles shall be parked on the proper sides of said streets, as hereinabove provided, not later than eight o’clock (8:00) A.M. on the following morning. After such snow has been plowed, pushed aside, or otherwise removed from the width of said streets, all vehicles may be parked thereon as permitted prior to said snowfall. Should there be additional snowfall, all vehicles must again be parked as hereinabove provided. The provisions herein shall apply to all streets within the corporate limits of the City of Wilber except Third Street and Main Street, in their entireties. It shall be unlawful to park or cause to be parked any vehicle in violation hereof.
B. The governing body may, be resolution, designate any street as a snow route and shall provide for appropriate signs or markings when such street has been so designated.
C. The City may establish snow emergency routes upon any street or highway of the City and shall have appropriate signs, marks, lines, signals, or other traffic control devices placed to indicate the existence of said snow emergency routes. Such designation of any street, highway, or portion thereof as a snow emergency route shall in no way affect any previous designation of the street or highway as an arterial, collector, local, or other road designation.